Access ControlΒΆ

This plugin provides some basic access control based on CAS attributes provided to the proxy during ticket validation. Attribute matching is based on a configuration file in YAML format. The top-level keys of the configuration are attributes that must have been released to the proxy for the authenticated user. If those attributes are not released. If the presence of an attribute is sufficient, then the literal null may be used for the value.

If an allowed_values key is present as the value, then a list of allowed values is expected to follow. If any of the values matches a corresponding value in the released attributes, then that test is passed.

If one or more tests are failed, then access will be denied, and the user-agent will be presented with the 403 (“Forbidden”) template as a response.


        - cn=authorized,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: null

In the above example, the attributes ‘memberOf’ and ‘objectClass’ must both have been released to the proxy during ticket validation or the authenticated user will be denied access. Further, the ‘memberOf’ attribute must have at least one value that matches ‘cn=authorized,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org’.